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Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur Seating 2024/5785

** The Shul may reject an incomplete Form or a Form submitted by anyone with outstanding balances owed to the Shul who has not made financial arrangements with the Treasurers.  Please settle your obligations with the Shul (or make appropriate arrangements with the Treasurers) as soon as possible to ensure that your seat request may be timely honored. You may contact the President or one of the Treasurers personally, in confidence, with any questions or concerns about your statement balance. 

  Rosh Hashanah Only Yom Kippur Only Both
Members $135 $135 $150
Associate Members $205 $205 $225
Non-Members $275 $275 $275


To bill your account, please log in before completing this form. On the next page, you must select your payment method: PayPal or Bill to Account. The form submission is not complete unless one of these options is chosen.
Reasonable efforts will be made to honor seating preferences.
Tue, October 8 2024 6 Tishrei 5785